Summer Youth Events

We hope that you can join us for some of our upcoming youth events!  Please check the ages and possible costs involved with each event.   Each event is registration required so please contact Elizabeth Wurm at to register or for more information.


June 11 – “Oh The Places You Will Go!”  (Free)  Come and learn some powerful lessons about God’s plans for our lives through the writings of Dr. Seuss!  This event takes place from 9 a.m.- 11 a.m.

June 18 – “May the Force be with you! (Free)  Yoda said, “Do or not do, there is no try”, so don’t try to come to this event, DO IT!  The Jedi Knights used the Force to do some amazing things, do you have that same power?  Come and find out!

June 25 – Can you build the Kingdom of God?  We bet you can!  (Free)  You might think you are pretty good at building things, but can you build the Kingdom of God?  We think you can but before you build anything that substantial, you have to learn how to do it!  Come join us and show us your amazing building skills!

July 12-15 – Vacation Bible School (a small requested donation is appreciated).  Join us for a week of fun at Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.  Come join in the crafts, games, songs, stories, and snacks as we learn more about God’s promises to man (and man’s promises to God!)

July—Summer Kid’s Fest!   Join us to learn and have fun all during the month of July!  July 5th– 9th is science week, July 19th– 23rd is Superhero week and July 24th– 28th is Art Week!   It is $70 per week per child.   We hope to see you there and registration is required.


Join us for the Lunch Bunch on the following dates from 1 p.m.-3 p.m.  Join us for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, faith and some good eats!   Lunch Bunch will meet on the following dates with the following topics:

June 11 – Stone Soup.  Have you ever eaten a little Stone Soup?  No, it doesn’t sound too appetizing?  Come and try some and bring a friend!  

June 18 – Be a follower by leading!   Have you always fancied yourself as a great leader?  Being a leader is more than being in charge.  Come and find out if you have what it takes to be a follower by leading!

June 25 – The game of numbers.  31, 556,000. 86, 400.   60.  3600. 604, 800.  What do these numbers have in common and what do they mean to you?  Come and find out! 

Other events to get involved in (and get some great service hours too!)

May 25 – Join us for the Holy Outpouring at Saint Jerome’s in Walbridge.  It is an afternoon of teaching, healing, adoration, confession, prayer teams and pizza, with a special celebration of Father Kevin’s birthday to follow!  The bus leaves Saint Peter’s at noon and will return by 9 p.m.   The cost is $20 for bus travel.  If interested, please contact Elizabeth Wurm at

May 28 – 9- 11 High School and Junior High only.    Please come and help serve your church by helping out with a major renovation!    Food will be served for lunch and all you have to bring with you is a hungry appetite for serving your parish!    Please contact Elizabeth Wurm at to register.

June 6 –  Corpus Christi.  Join us for Mass on the Feast of Corpus Christi to experience a Tridentine Mass in Latin!   Mass is at 11: 30 a.m.

June 26 – YES (Youth Elect Service)  for high school students ($10 per youth to participate and provide own lunch)

And some events just for fun!

July 17 – ALIVE Concert at Atwood Lake in Mineral City (Cost is $40 per person)