At St. Peter’s, there are dozens of ministries for every interest and age group. We invite you to explore the sections below to learn more about specific ministries currently active in the parish.
If you have any questions about a particular ministry contact the parish office.
Catholic Charities provides emergency services for those in need through the H.O.P.E. food bank, prescription assistance, and adult advocacy. Catholic Charities helps put faith in action. In addition to the above, one can volunteer in the office or serve on the advisory board.
Candlelight prayer vigils are held the evening before each state execution. The focus of this ministry is to pray for an end to violence, including the use of the death penalty. Watch the bulletin or call for further information.
Many volunteers are needed to continue the work of providing a hot and nourishing lunch to the needy of the community on the third Sunday of the month from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. in the church basement. Volunteers are needed for set-up, food preparation, serving, and clean up.
Volunteers are needed on an occasional basis to take non-perishable food collected at Church and in the Parish Center to Catholic Charities.
The prison ministry is the second oldest ministry in the parish. Working with priests and deacons of the parish, teams of parishioners assist in prison liturgies, retreats, Bible study, and other ministries to men at Mansfield’s two state prisons.
Parishioners meet monthly to pray and prayerfully support families and individuals in need. In a Christ-like spirit of sharing, these men and women “walk with” families in need, helping them become more independent. Open to new members.
Volunteers are always welcome to help the alumni office in planning reunions, special events or updating our school archives.
St. Peter’s has an extensive historical archive dating back to our founding in the 1800s. We want to keep that tradition alive by keeping our parish and school records complete. We are always in need of volunteers willing to clip the newspaper of articles related to St. Peter’s Parish & School.
St. Peter’s Athletic Boosters is a group of adults committed to the athletic life of all St. Peter’S students. This group consists of Montessori through twelfth-grade parents as well as members of the parish with no children in the school system. The Athletic Boosters operate fundraisers and concessions to provide the students with uniforms, pool time, awards, dinners, equipment, and event bussing. The Boosters also help finance the operations at Spartan Fields. Spartan Athletic Boosters meet on the second Wednesday of each month except July.
This is once a week or every other week on a specific day you choose. You will choose to work on the serving line or on the floor assisting students and cleaning tables.
Volunteers are always welcome in development to help build a sense of community, friendship, and philanthropic giving to support the mission and ministry of St. Peter’s Parish & School.
St. Peter’s hosts several fundraising events throughout the year that require volunteer commitments in both a leadership role down to help with setup and teardown of special events. These events not only raise needed funds but are a chance for fellowship and community building. Many hands make for light work at these events.
Church donation/tuition earning opportunities are available for St. Peter’s families through several Scrip Programs. Kroger Community Rewards enrollment is available through the Kroger website @ Land’s End certificates are sold Monday-Friday in the Tuition Office. Many other Scrip opportunities for St. Peter’s families can be obtained at the Scrip Office of Mansfield Christian School during regular school hours.
Need persons interested in serving on publicity/promotion committee for schools. People with skills in photography, communication, newspaper or radio/TV backgrounds would be welcomed.
The Msgr. Dunn Foundation’s mission is to establish a substantial endowment fund through the promotion of planned giving to ensure the continuity of quality Catholic education at St. Peter’s School. The Board of Trustees oversees the development and investment of its assets.
The MAC is comprised of parents of currently enrolled Montessori students and serves to assist the teachers in various school–related activities throughout the year. This includes in-class parties, field trips, policy issues, fundraising efforts, and house-related projects. A five-member board coordinates the MAC. The MAC meets monthly from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in the Montessori house. All parents are encouraged to attend.
Parents who do many fundraisers for the school with things like the Christmas Classic, poticas, gift wrap sale. The Club helps with other events such as used uniform sale and fine arts fair. This group meets about five times a year. Check out the St. Peter’s website and the Parents’ Club link for other events and details. All parents are welcome.
Contact the elementary school at 419-524-2572 if you’re available between the hour of 12:00 pm to 1:05 pm to supervise students during recess.
Regina’s Kids, supported by a perpetual gift to the Msgr. Dunn Foundation, include boys and girls and young men and women of St. Peter’s Parish & School. The mission of the program is to engage students in the worth and work of volunteerism by giving of their own time, talent, and treasure to those in need. Regina’s Kids also helps students appreciate and understand a life built on Christian principles. Membership is open to all students in the Parish.
Season consists of eight weeks in spring and eight weeks in fall; easy work; easy menu; prices posted. It’s a fun way to get to know a lot of St. Peter’s families.
This twice-a-year publication serves to provide parish family and friends with updates on special people and events within our parish community, including the church, school, and alumni. Writers are always welcome to join our editorial staff and your story ideas are encouraged.
We are a group of theater geeks that decided St. Peter’s needed a theater department of its own. With full involvement for acting, singing, pit orchestra, costuming, and tech support—it’s all there. From young to not so young, there’s room for you with us. Theater is so much fun that we want everyone to join us in our insanity. We offer two to three productions per year. Our season opens with a play in the fall on the VE Room Stage for a school-age cast and concludes with a large musical in the spring with casting open to the parish. Other productions might be staged as time permits. We sponsor several events throughout the year. A theater workshop trip is scheduled annually.
Assists parishes in the area of African-American catechesis; Black Catholic history celebrations; National Black Catholic Congress; retreats; support groups; workshops on racism, prejudice; and other diocesan special events.
All couples getting married in the Church must attend one. To obtain information in participating in the Engaged Couples Conference, refer to the contact list.
To seek information for planning a family or become part of the facilitators who present this to engaged couples, refer to the contact list.
Confidential help is available to anyone who is suffering from the grief of abortion. There are people with whom you can talk in confidence about your experience. Project Rachel offers lay counselors and trained clergy ready to help you find peace and healing. If you feel ready to talk with someone, call the national hotline or the local helpline. Also, you may contact one of the priests.
For those who believe in Jesus Christ that they may proclaim the gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time. Our mission is to embrace all of life’s cycle…from conception to natural death. Watch the bulletin for activities.
This is our parish hand bell choir that rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the choir loft. We are continually learning and perfecting the various techniques of hand bell playing, and also play at least once per month at a weekend Mass. We can almost always use additional players who have some note reading ability This group keeps busy playing for the parish and the community, haviang performed in a variety of public venues.
The cantors serve as leaders of the responsorial psalm, the gospel acclamation and any other music that requires a leading voice. A cantor must possess a clear and accurate voice and a positive appearance. A cantor is much like a lector only the cantor ministers the sung word of God. One may become a cantor after an interview and audition with the Parish Music Director.
This ensemble accompanies and leads the music for the Sunday 9:30 a.m. Mass. This group plays through the entire year with a few weeks of vacation each summer. We have been known to sing for wedding liturgies and other special occasions. We rehearse on Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.
This choir sings for our frequent funeral liturgies. Their singing offers musical leadership and support to those who are mourning the loss of a family member or friend. The choir functions on a rather informal level and rehearses on an “as needed” basis. They maintain a calling list and gather in the choir loft to sing. This ministry serves also as an outlet for maintaining friendship contacts and fellowship.
Anyone who plays a musical instrument competently is invited to share their talents with the parish community. The Parish Music Director will be very interested to meet and talk with you about your talent and where it can be best utilized.
A small group of 8 to 12 singers which specializes in the most traditional forms of music in the Church – Chant, Medieval Music, and Renaissance Polyphony – in addition to newer expressions of the Church’s most time-honored hymn and psalm texts. The Schola provides music once a month at special Masses and rehearses on Sundays.
This choir rehearses weekly on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the choir loft and sings on Sundays at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. They specialize in 4-part music, classical through contemporary, and welcome singers ages high school through adult. The choir sings for all the major festivals of the church year and presents an annual service of Advent Lessons and Carols and an annual Concert. (Talk to the Parish Music Director about your place in the music ministry.)
Our priests, deacon(s), and specially-trained lay advocates provide support, guidance, and assistance to all with questions and concerns regarding previous marriages.
An Anointing Mass is celebrated once a year, but you can be anointed anytime by contacting the Parish Center.
Please call the Baptism Coordinator to begin preparation for your child’s Baptism.
Preparation is generally done during the 2nd grade. Children prepare either through enrollment in St. Peter’s School or Parish School of Religion (PSR).
This sacrament is offered before each Saturday Mass or by appointment. First Reconciliation is part of the First Eucharist preparation. First Reconciliation for 2nd grade is celebrated as a Communal Penance Service in the fall; First Eucharist is celebrated in the spring (May).
Preparation for this sacrament begins in 7th-grade with Confirmation being held in the fall of the 8th-grade year. Classes are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Arrangements should be made at the Parish Center at least 8 months in advance of the ceremony. See Wedding Guidelines for more information.
St. Peter’s Troop 121 has over 60 years of helping our boys and now young girls grow into being good men and women of character. Scouting teaches children the values of responsible citizenship, personal honor, and prepares them to become successful leaders of tomorrow. The Scouting experience is full of outdoor adventures, survival skills, service projects, leadership skills and experience and responsibilities that help young men and women mature and become strong, confident adults, all the while making every experience a fun one. High adventure awaits you.
Join the scouts. For children from first grade to sixth grade interested in outdoor activities, skill-building, fun, awards, and lots of friendship. Programming is unique and special for each grade level. Parents and children will be invited to a fall open house meeting. Come check us out.
Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) provides an opportunity for girls ages 5-17 to develop a high dose of leadership, friendship, and skill building. Girl Scouts help girls to achieve their full potential through quality fun-filled activities.
Back to the Heartland gatherings take place in January for high school and February for Junior High. The high school program is an overnight event where there are speakers, Mass opportunities for reconciliation and live bands and dancing! The Junior High program is a one-day event focused on things to know for confirmation preparation, and also has a Mass, Reconciliation opportunities and a dance! They are both great weekends of fun!
DYC is a leadership council made up of high school youth throughout the diocese. They are responsible for planning and implementing youth events for the youth of our diocese.
High School youth are encouraged to attend the annual Steubenville Youth Conference taking place in June at the Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. This conference includes praise and worship music by some headlining artists along with breakout sessions on topics relative to teens and their faith. Planning for this experience starts in early January.
TEC is a Diocesan program for juniors, seniors, and one-year post high school. It is a spiritual retreat held over a weekend and designed especially for youth. The program is held separately for boys and girls at the retreat center in Carey, Ohio. It is a life-changing experience that helps the individual who attends experience their faith in a whole new dimension!
This annual event is held on Good Friday and is sponsored by DYC. It is open to all youth and is a great time to reflect on the last moments of Christ’s life.
VBS takes place in the summer for children who are four years of age to ten years of age. This three-day event explores topics of our faith through interactive activities such as songs, crafts, skits, games and prayer. Youth who are in the seventh through twelfth grades are invited and encouraged to come help out with this event.
YES takes place every June in Willard. On a YES weekend, high school youth from around the area go out and help others fix their homes in whatever way they need it. This weekend includes prayer services, talks about poverty and service as well as movies, games and dancing!
Adult Faith enrichment opportunities are offered throughout the year to nourish ongoing/lifelong faith formation. The recent focus has been on Scripture study.
Centering Prayer is a method designed to facilitate the development of Contemplative Prayer by preparing our faculties to receive this gift. It is an attempt to present the teaching of earlier times in an updated form. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer; rather it casts a new light and depth of meaning on them. It is at the same time a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. This method of prayer is a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him. It tends to build communities of faith and bonds the members together in mutual friendship and love. This group meets every Monday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the St. Andrew room and welcomes all who feel called to Silence.
This is a religious education program for children in our parish who attend public schools. Classes, grades PreK-12 meet every Wednesday evening from 6:15-7:30 p.m. from September through April. Confirmation classes are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:00-7:45 pm. Adults as teachers and aides are always welcome to join in this ministry of mentoring our faith with the youth from grades PreK-12. A program is available for those with children who have special needs.
The R.C.I.A. is the process by which adults (and children over 7 years of age) become full members of the Catholic Church. Each adult is accompanied by a sponsor, a practicing Catholic committed to supporting someone interested in learning about the Catholic religion and able to attend classes regularly. Other ways parishioners are involved is through prayer for the candidates and by donating breakfast items. Please call if you desire to learn more about the R.C.I.A. process or to contribute your time and talent in other ways.
Meets monthly to study church teachings and diocesan guidelines regarding the sacraments and how to implement this in our parish. Plans all sacramental retreats and meetings. If you are interested in making a lasting experience for those receiving a sacrament, this is the ministry for you.
Person(s) with a greenhouse or green thumb, willing to nurture plants overwinter and/or rotate them. Also people willing to water (on a schedule) Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies.
Assists in the distribution of Holy Communion, serving the community with prayerful reverence and dignity.
Volunteer to wash and iron linens used in the church.
Provide Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K-4 during 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses from September to May. Volunteers may lead or assist. Material and guidance provided.
Reading the Scriptures and Petitions at Eucharist.
Responsible for liturgical environment enhancement and liturgical planning.
Artistically talented parishioners are invited to share their talents by making their services available to the Parish Liturgy planning team for the execution of liturgical artwork as the need for the various seasons and celebrations.
Is an ongoing function of the Parish staff, but parishioners are invited to participate in this process as much as possible, especially by becoming involved in seasonal planning meetings.
Assist in the sacristy with preparation for weekend Mass, usually on a regular schedule.
Monday and Friday Rosary in the church at 5:00 p.m.
Sewing, making new altar linens, banners or repairing old material. A new sewing ministry involves Baptism bibs.
The ministry of server is open to children in grades 5-12. Each student must participate in a training session held annually.
Counts weekend Mass collections in the church basement after the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday mornings.
Help welcoming, seating, and taking the collection at parish weekend Masses and special Eucharist.
Each year, the Diocese of Toledo is required to undergo an audit to ensure that it is in compliance with the articles of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Bishop Daniel Thomas is pleased to announce that, for the fiscal year 2018-2019, the Diocese was found to be in full compliance with the requirements in the Charter. The Diocese of Toledo remains committed to ensuring the protection of children and providing a safe environment for all young people. If you have any knowledge of abuse that has been committed by a cleric, or any employee or volunteer of the Catholic Church, please report the abuse to your local police department, Child Protection Services, and Mr. Frank DiLallo, Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator. Mr. DiLallo can be reached at 419-214-4880 or by mail at 1933 Spielbusch Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43604.