August 27, 2013


Great Lunch at the Savory Spot!

Mr. Failor is thoroughly enjoying the Marguerita pizza handmade by Chef B (professional chef, Beth Carter) at “The Savory Spot” in the St. Peter’s Cafeteria on Tuesday.  Under the direction of cafeteria supervisor, Mrs. Brenda Schuck, the cafeteria has started a new ala carte line for the high school students and all of the faculty...
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Nothing Rattles Tony

Nothing rattles Tony. Even with the busyness of school’s first day and so many parents and children crossing the street–with lights that were not working properly–Tony managed to hold off the traffic and get everyone crossed safely. Thank you, Tony! Thank you to all our parent volunteers who carry on day after day at crosswalks,...
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Welcome, Mrs. Bauer!

Mrs. Madalyn Bauer, new principal at St. Peter’s Elementary School, and her staff had things completely under control during the much-anticipated first day of school.  In fact, Mrs. Bauer had even prepared birthday cards and a birthday treat for all students who had August birthdays.  Welcome, Mrs. Bauer, to St. Peter’s.  We feel fortunate to...
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