Montessori is Busy in October!!

What’s going on in the Montessori House this month?  Lots of things!  Reading is an everyday experience for all the Montesori school children.  The program has number “works” that remain in place for the year such as Teen’s board, Tens Board, and Number Words.

Some of the other “works” out this month of October are The 5 Senses, Good Character, Community Helpers, Good Hygeine, Fractions, Number Bonds, and Telling Time to the Hour.

In the Sensorial Practical Life Room, the colors and materials have been changed to the Fall colors.  Students are tweezing corn off the cob (fine motor activity to promote a stronger pencil grip in a fun way), scooping buckeyes, pouring Indian corn.

The Art Room reflects the season change as well.  The children have made pictures with cut apples dipped in paint, punching out and coloring leaves for a Fall tree, and they are painting candy corn pictures.

The Montessori Kindergarteners have adopted a tree to watch and they will record the changes as the seasons change in a science class.

They will be celebrating Fall with the families at Waynes Market next week.  They will be learning about fire prevention this week when the fire truck comes for a visit, along with the fireman-father!

Read more about the Montessori program.