Spelling Bee Champions

AND HERE IS AN UPDATE to this story that was first posted in January.

Both Rowan and Anthony have qualified for the Regional Spelling Bee that will take place on Saturday, March 22, at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

Good luck, Rowan and Anthony!


Congratulations to this year’s St. Peter’s School Spelling Bee champions!

Now that they have won the school spelling bee, elementary/6th grader Rowan Pruettmiller and jrhi champion/8th grader, Anthony Katsaounis, will be taking an on-line test to qualify for the next round which will be the Regional Spelling Bee at Ohio University in March.  The on-line test consists of 25 spelling words and 25 definitions.  Approximately 50 students will be chosen across the state from the pool of students taking the on-line test from January 22-31.  Results will be available on February 5.

Thank you to Mrs. Pennell for sending this photo and information.