C3P Oh…We made a robot!

RobotSeniors Taylor Schlupp and Jordan Shoemake have recently done what no other St. Peter’s student has done before: Create a robot.

They are a part of the Mechatronics Club at North Central State College and recently competed in the National Robotics Challenge in Marion, Ohio. Taylor Schlupp states: “When we started the Mechatronics Club at NCSC back in September, I never thought we would get as far as we did.  Jordan and I placed in the top three amongst other colleges in a maze robot competition. We even beat the University of Indiana, which for them was their senior engineering project!”

Taylor and Jordan created a “boe-bot” which is an autonomous robot that can complete a maze on its own through the use of sensors that they programmed.  The challenge also included other competitions such as robot hockey, sumo robots, rescue robots, and various others.  Taylor who is Vice President of the Mechatronics Club, saw that Jordan had an interest in robotics and decided to get him involved.  Jordan Shoemake says: “I have always wanted to be a computer engineer, so I joined the club to get some experience with computer programming and circuits.  It was a great experience and I highly recommend the club to anyone considering the engineering field for a future career.”

Here’s a link to the robot in action.

Story:  Katie Kowalski