November 21, 2014


Mansfield Symphony Orchestra Education Outreach

To the delight of the elementary students, four members of the Mansfield Symphony Outreach Education Program visited and entertained the students with multiple songs, along with discussion of different instruments and sounds. Thank you to these ladies for sharing their morning with us.
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A Musical Week at St. Peter’s

It has been a delightful musical week at St. Peter’s School! The junior high band members have started practicing for their Christmas concert and Mr. Friend is working with them to prepare their musical pieces–one group at a time and then all of them together.  It is a process and we will all enjoy the...
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Eighth Graders Visit SPHS

St. Peter’s High School staff and students enjoyed a visit this past Wednesday from the eighth graders who attend Mansfield St. Mary’s School and Ashland St. Edward School. Principal, Mr. Mike Wasiniak, and Father Jeremy Miller talked with our special guests about the option for them to continue their Catholic education  at St. Peters’ High...
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Spanish Immersion Day

This past Wednesday, St. Peter’s High School and Junior High Spanish teacher, Mrs. Monica Sved, traveled with students to Wright State University for a day of Spanish language and culture immersion.  The students learned about the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, enjoyed eating traditional food, danced, made bracelets and spoke Spanish all day!  There were...
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