February 16, 2015


Swimmers Heading to District Competition

Congratulations to all the SPHS swim team members for representing SPHS with great swims at sectional competition this past Saturday, February 14, and thank you to coaches Finnerty and Dropsey! A Go-Spartan, hearty congratulations goes to Olivia Haller, Kayli Ralph and Thomas Schlitt who advance to District competition this weekend at Bowling Green University! Good...
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Spelling Bee

Congratulations to seventh graders Rowan Pruettmiller, Kevin Maxwell, and Zoe Blank, and sixth grader Leah Fanello who competed at the Richland County Spelling Bee.  No one will move on to the Tri-County Bee but all finished in the top half of approximately 60 students. Zoe Blank and Leah Fanello are St. Peter’s School champions and after...
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Multi-Cultural Club

  One of the after-school enrichment programs at St. Peter’s Elementary School  is the Multi-Cultural Club.  This past week, moderator, Mrs. Maren Kennedy, invited second grade teacher, Mrs. Diane Schwaner, to visit the students and talk about Japan.  Mrs. Schwaner shared photos from the time when her sons visited Japan some years ago.  She also...
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