St. Peter’s Catholic School – OPEN HOUSE



Sunday, March 8

Building tours! Meet faculty and administrators! Meet athletic team coaches! Find out why most SPHS graduates attend college! We will also share information on the school mission, tuition assistance, School Choice scholarships, Christian service program, extracurricular programs, and academic programs that rank our students always among the highest OGT scores, prepare them for college studies at whatever level they perform academically, and has SPHS graduates earning an average of $54,989 in scholarships over the last five years!

1:00-3:00 p.m.
Child Center Daycare, Montessori Preschool/Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grades 1-6

2:00-4:00 p.m.
Junior High & High School
Important information meeting at 3:00 p.m.

If this date conflicts with your schedule and you are interested in St. Peter’s School, separate visitation days for you and/or your child can also been arranged with the school principals.  Please call 419-524-2572 to arrange your personal visitation day.

 Christ is at the center of all we do.

The school environment is safe and welcoming.

Our students are enthused about learning.

Our teachers are very dedicated.

Our programs are challenging and exciting.

Our parents and alumni are very involved.

Tuition assistance programs help many families.