When was the last time you walked away from a faith event saying, “That was really amazing”? When you felt something really move you? IGNITE is an unforgettable evening of inspiring worship, word and witness in the presence of Jesus Christ that has been drawing thousands of people, young and old, throughout Northwest Ohio.
Come experience the power of God truly alive and with us. We are hosting an Ignite at St. Peter’s parish on Wednesday night, April 22. The evening begins with the Spark, which includes heavy appetizers and a speaker at 6pm in the church basement. The Ignite worship experience begins at 7pm and lasts until about 8:30pm in the church. The Afterglow follows back in the church basement with fellowship and dessert. Child care will be provided for the entire evening in the Day Care Center of the school building.
If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact the team leader below in the area of your interest:
Hospitality Team – Kim Randall at frodo821@gmail.com
Set up/Take Down Team – Mike Roth at mgldroth@aol.com
Prayer Team – Amy Secrist at amysecrist6@gmail.com
Candle Lighting Team – Sheryl Weber at sweber7@neo.rr.com
Food/Fellowship – Missy Saprano at msaprano@aol.com