What a wonderful few weeks it has been for those of us in the audience to see the performances of ANNIE.  And we say “performances” because many came back for a second show!

From the point in time late in 2014 with auditions to this past Sunday’s last musical performance, the hundreds involved in ANNIE–set design and construction, sound, costumes, dancing, music and orchestra, dinner on set, and support in so many other ways–saw the fruits of their labor with exceptional performances of this great musical.

The beautiful flowers sent by Kafer’s Flowers and Mr. Jim Hahn of Kroger were much appreciated, too!

Congratulations to Mr. Jim Cox, director of ANNIE, for putting on yet another great show and to all those involved in entertaining those in the audience!

Next year?  Mr. Cox informs us it will be MUSIC MAN!  Yes!

Thank you to Mrs. Claudia Raff for these absolutely wonderful photos!