French Awards

Just recently, French teacher, Mrs. Beatrice Omwomo, received results from March testing.  St. Peter’s French students from levels 1 – 5 took the French National Contest 2015 which is an annual written and listening test sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. There are five categories in each level, ranging from A to E.  All St. Peter’s students take level A of the test. Students are ranked based on their scores. Most of our students earned above average scores.  The awardees for the year 2015 are provided here by Mrs. Omwomo.  Congratulations to these students!

Level 5A
Elizabeth Clark, National Laureate, Silver Medal
Madeline Carter, Honorable Mention

Level 4
Joshua Bradhaw, National Laureate, Bronze Medal

Level 3A
Hannah Novack, National Laureate, Gold Medal
Caroline Blunk, National Laureate, Bronze Medal

Level 2A
Corrine Amalfitano, National Laureate, Gold Medal
Anthony Katsaounis, National Laureate, Gold Medal
Marissa Levendoski, National Laureate, Bronze Medal
Grace Stampfli, Honorable Mention
Sophia Winters, Honorable Mention

Level 1A
Gavin Wesley, National Laureate, Silver Medal
Natalie Guisinger, Honorable Mention