Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!  And thank you to Mr. Todd Tridico from Tridico Silk Screening and Sign, and his assistant, Sam, for posting the new school mission for St. Peter’s.

St. Peter’s School
Mission and Belief Statement

St. Peter’s School community strives to create an environment of academic excellence built upon Catholic spirituality and service. We seek to establish a challenging learning environment with high expectations while recognizing individual differences and learning styles. We are a community of St. Peter’s families, staff, and parishioners who are actively involved in our students’ learning.

In keeping with this statement, St. Peter’s School community believes it…

will achieve academic excellence by:

  1. acquiring critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary for lifelong learning
  2. cultivating learning experiences that support individual students’ strengths and needs
  3. encouraging each student to reach his full potential

will practice Christian spirituality by:

  1. understanding the doctrines of the Catholic Church
  2. modeling the teachings and evangelizing processes of Jesus through prayer, study, work, community service and sacramental life
  3. nurturing personal faith through the study of Scripture and the reception of the Sacraments

will prepare to be of service to the world by:

  1. recognizing and utilizing the unique gifts given by God to each person
  2. practicing Christian values through philanthropic work
  3. contributing to society by being responsible citizens