Franciscan Sisters Attend Their Last All-School Mass

Today, Thursday, August 27, marks the last day of the 144th year that the Franciscan Sisters have been at St. Peter’s Parish and School.  The first all-school Mass of the year was also scheduled for today so, appropriately, it was a Mass in celebration of the presence and service of the Franciscan Sisters.

Sister Bernard Marie and Sister Paula took their last walk to an all-school Mass held in St. Peter’s Church at 9:00 a.m. on this beautiful, sunny morning.  Seated in the pew with Sister Paula Bingert and Sister Bernard Marie Campbell was one student representative from each grade level.  The Sisters received cards, handmade notes, and special spiritual rose bouquets.  Upon their return to the convent, they placed the spiritual rose bouquets in the Sisters’ Chapel in front of the statues of Mary and St. Francis.

Thank you to Mrs. Bauer for remembering this special date and for suggesting this Mass be in celebration of the Sisters, to Father Hite, Father Jeremy and Deacon Wasiniak, to Ms. Angie Dillon and Mr. Bill Johnson and to Mr. Lew Friend and Mrs. Lori Turner and the St. Peter’s student musicians who provided music, to those others who helped with organization and to all students, teachers, staff, parents and others who attended the Mass.  How special it was for them . . . and for us!