Calamari’s Caper Performance at the Renaissance

Congratulations to Bob Neumann, Jim Cox, Tristin and his great crew from Zoot and our students–some from the autistic unit and other students from SPHS on the wonderful performance of “Calamari’s Caper”.   Additionally, thank you to the Renaissance Theater and the Richland County Foundation for their collaboration.

With funding through the Richland County Foundation, the Integrated Theater Company conducted a five-week summer 2016 program, during which participating youth designed and created handheld fish puppets as they prepared for Scene Two of tonight’s performance of “Calamari’s Caper”.  Bird puppets were designed and created during the fall session as they composed Scene Three.

This evening, the audience saw the first three scenes of a five-scene play as student puppeteers were joined by the talented professionals of Zoot Theater Company.

Land-animal puppets will be constructed in spring 2017 and the completed play will be performed in its entirety with the addition of the final two scenes:  IV. Of the Animals and V. Calamari End.

Stay tuned for the performance date for spring 2017!