SPHS Class of 2017 – SENIOR WALK

SENIOR WALK VIDEO is at the end of this story! Don’t miss it!

On their last school bus ride as high school students, graduates from the SPHS Class of 2017 departed their honors assembly and were transported in the rain to St. Peter’s Elementary School for the second annual “Senior Walk” through the halls that were lined with students and staff.

The “Senior Walk” gave the elementary staff and students an opportunity to congratulate the St. Peter’s High School Class of 2017 with a lot of hooting and hollering and high (and low!) fives and it was obvious to those watching that the young ones look up to the graduates and hope to be in their shoes some day not too many years from now.

Following the “Senior Walk”, graduates received a gift and beautiful handmade card from the students and staff.  Elementary school principal, Mrs. Madalyn Bauer, shook the hand of each graduate as they left the building.  Thank you to all who helped make this a very successful and wonderful time for all our students and staff!

Go Spartans!  Congratulations to the SPHS Class of 2017!