First-Day-of-School Parent Breakfast

About 60 parents enjoyed their first day of school over breakfast early Tuesday morning! Amid conversation about the summer months and the prospect of a great new school year, they enjoyed coffee and bagels and other delicious pastries.  Winners of the raffle were Shannon Ball (October Gala tickets), Steve Myers (Starbucks gift card), Diana Flannigan (Besta Fasta gift certificate) and Carrie Moritz (Gourmet Village seasonings and cold crock).  Thank you to all parents who attended to help make this a fun, social event and to the representatives from Parents’ Club, Athletic Boosters, Spartan Youth Soccer, Theater Boosters, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts who were there to answer questions about participation in their organizations.

The next “parent social breakfast” will be mid-October at which time we will celebrate the end of the first quarter!  More info on that will be forthcoming!