September 30, 2017


Smiling, Learning, Praying

When we make our way through the buildings at this time of year to take photographs for the new issue of the school brochure, it’s always uplifting to see all the smiles as we go from classroom to classroom.   What’s going on in these photos is lots of math, language arts, social studies, prayer before...
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Bells and Recorders

It’s always fun to walk in to Mr. Clark’s music class and see what he is teaching the students.  There’s always a different sound in the room depending on what time of day one enters.  It’s either vocal, guitar, bells, recorders or other musical instruments.  Here students are using recorders and bells to play certain...
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Puzzle Partners

In Miss Johnson’s Kindergarten class, students have “puzzle partner” time and enjoy putting together the puzzle of their choice.  The Kindergarten class is now housed in the elementary school building and students have an easy time moving to music and computer class for their specials.
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Lunch Recess

Father Austin joined the fifth and sixth graders during recess one day this past week as they threw the football, had running races, and played some checkers.  He’s a good ‘ole sport. Thanks, Father Austin, for taking time to visit and talk with the students during recess.  
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