October 5, 2017


This Just In! – Barnyard Bash Video

We didn’t have this video early in the week when we posted the Barnyard Bash story and photos.  It’s just too much fun so we’re posting separately so you’re sure to see it.  We’re going with the blue to win!  What’s your choice?  (Thanks to Mrs. Bauer for sending us this video.)
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A Wonderful “Remington” Morning – The Gift of Sight

It was a wonderful “Remington” morning!  At 8:10 am, St. Peter’s Elementary School second grader, Remington, was totally surprised! Administrators, local and Columbus media, teachers and second grade classmates watched as she was presented with glasses (manufactured by E Sight in Canada) that will enable her to see with clarity. The gift of these glasses...
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Montessori Fall Day at Wayne’s Country Market

Early this week, Montessori preschool children and their families enjoyed a gathering at Wayne’s Country Market.  They participated in many fun activities and parents had a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends.  Thank you to Mrs. Beres for sending these photos.
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