October 10, 2017


Teaching Plant Care

Ben is a student in our San Damiano Hall unit and has been learning about plants these past few years.  It would be premature to call him a botanist just yet but he sure does know a lot about plants, starting plants from cuttings, and the care to promote healthy growth.  He is shown here...
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Flexibility is Key

No parking?  No problem. New procedure for the day?  No big deal. Our parents and staff and students are so great!  Last Friday was an unusual day with three funerals and the priority is to always accommodate the needs of the funeral procession and the needs of those families involved. And because the church parking...
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Volunteers Keep the Wheels Turning

Volunteers at St. Peter’s keep the wheels turning in so many areas–on the playground, in the cafeteria, in the classrooms, at the crosswalks, at sporting events, on field trips, with special projects and fundraisers and parent support groups and so on and so on and so on. Jim is one of our many volunteers who...
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