October 24, 2017


World Food Day

Monday, October 16, was World Food Day so Regina’s Kids sponsored a food drive at school to benefit local families in need through Catholic Charities.  Thank you to Regina’s Kids moderator, Mrs. Maryanne Chengelis, for sending these photos of her packed car and the hallway at Catholic Charities after the delivery.
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Fourth Grade Physical Education

Mrs. Matney’s fourth grade students had a variety of fun last week in her physical education class and in addition to indoor ‘small sided baseball’ games were able to enjoy a great sunshiny day just throwing and catching balls on the playground.  Let’s hope for a few more of these warm, sunny days!
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Damascus Catholic Missions Camp

Mrs. Rizzo and Mrs. James and the sixth grade students spent part of last week at the Damascus Catholic Missions Camp.  We’ll have more photos to share later but, for now, Mrs. Rizzo sent these and explained one of their days as follows:  “We spent the whole day outside and are all thankful for the...
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Christmas Cards for Troops

Again this year, Mr. Bradner is asking all of his math students to take a few minutes at the beginning of class this week to write a note inside a Christmas card for someone in the United States Armed Forces.  Through the Amvets 26 Christmas Cards for Troops Program, these Christmas cards will be delivered...
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Montessori – Learning in Different Ways

The students at the Montessori House learn in many different ways and often when they least suspect that they are learning. One quote by Maria Montessori that is reflective of this: “Ours was a house for children rather than a real school. … They have learned to read and write without the feeling of having been...
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