October 25, 2017


Specific Heat Lab in Chemistry Class

Chemistry class with Mr. James last week had students testing specific heat capacity of aluminum, copper, and iron.  Hypothetically, they were to assist a housewares company in planning to introduce a new line of cookware and coming to a decision on which metals to use for the cookware.  At the top of the factor list...
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The younger students in Mrs. Matney’s physical education class are working with balloons. They are throwing and catching the balloon as well as working on hitting it ​with ​a partner. Thank you to Mrs. Matney for sending these photos of preschool, kindergarten, first and second graders!
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Run On!

These guys run around all day and it’s usually to take care of things in the school buildings that need repair or replaced or to assist in moving things from one area to another.  They are true representatives of “doing it all” for the good of the school.  And to add just a little bit...
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