Hot Chocolate — Then and Now

I’ll bet there are some of you reading this post who remember hot chocolate after Mass every morning when you attended St. Peter’s School . . . back in the 50’s and 60’s.  And since the fast was three hours for food and one hour for drink in order to receive the Eucharist, all students went to the church basement after Mass and had breakfast . . . hot chocolate made in the church basement kitchen and toast or muffins students brought from home.  Here’s a photo from the late 50’s and early 60’s of ladies serving the hot chocolate to the students.

Cafeteria manager, Mrs. Brenda Schuck, and her staff decided they, too, would treat the students from time to time to that same delicious hot chocolate on very cold days . . . the first of which was last week.

Thank you to Mrs. Schuck and her staff and to Sarah LeFebvre and Kim Bryant for sending the photos of last week’s hot chocolate day.  What a nice tradition to bring back to our campus.  Warms the tummy and the heart.