February 17, 2018


Snow Art

Studies reveal the power of art to inspire, motivate and educate today’s students. Elementary art teacher, Mrs. Hostettler, affects our students’ world through art and if they didn’t love and appreciate art before they walked in to her classroom last August, they certainly do now. For the elementary kindergarten and Miss Molnar’s second grade art...
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Sophomore Honors English, Courtroom Scene

Mrs. Zehnder’s sophomore honors English class is reading Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. They downloaded scripts for the courtroom scene. assigned parts, set up the classroom to look like the courtroom and tried to find one prop that represented their character.
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Mansfield Spelling Bee

Thank you to St. Peter’s Elementary fourth grade teacher, Mr. David Miller, who sent these photos and submitted the following recap of the recent Mansfield Spelling Bee.  Go Spartans! St. Peter’s Elementary would like to congratulate the eight third graders who participated in the 2018 Mansfield Spelling Bee on February 15. These students represented our...
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