2019 Homecoming Court and Rose Arc


The 2019 Homecoming Court was announced during an assembly in December and they will be presented during the Homecoming game on Friday, January 18.

Congratulations to the senior class young ladies and gentlemen who were elected by their classmates. Photos include the Homecoming Court, the underclassmen Rose Arc members selected by the faculty, and several other photos of seniors after the Homecoming assembly.

Homecoming Court 2019
Queen Leah Allen escorted by Julian Diaz, Lauren Haus escorted by Caleb Stewart, Erika Myrwold escorted by Luke Henrich, Sydney Newton escorted by Dominic Gasper, Avery Hatfield escorted by Harrison Hecker.

Rose Arc members include (juniors) Olivia Gatchall, Sydney Cavanaugh, Matthew Congdon, Joshua Rose, (sophomores) Cara Brubaker, Audrey VanDyne, Albree Grose, Joey Couch, and (freshmen) Allyson Gatchall, Ahmani Mitchell, Zach Keffalas, Isaac Stampfli.

Go Spartans!