Thank You to Our Mansfield Police Department


We are so fortunate to have our Mansfield Police Department in the community to keep us safe.

A large tub full of “Spartan blue/white thank you treats” was delivered to the downtown police station this morning. The tub was filled with DQ dilly bar gift certificates, small bags of Jones chips, ground coffee from Relax, and small bags of blue/white popcorn from Squirrel’s Den. 

Thank you to Mrs. Bauer and four students who accompanied us to the police station to help deliver the tub and to thank the officers in person. 

We met the 911 dispatcher Jefferson, officer Edwards who works with the U.S. Marshall Task Force, officer Boor who heads the Traffic Division, Police Chief Porch and Assistant Chief Petrycki.  

Next up? Complete delivery to our Mansfield fire stations. We’ll be posting photos of those visits later this week.

Go Spartans!