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St. Peter’s Parish and School looks forward to moving forward together and welcoming all students back to campus for the 2021-2022 school year. 

Because of our shared efforts to follow health and safety protocols last year, we were able to provide in-person schooling for the majority of the year, continue our athletics program, host in-person events such as end of year performances, prom, and graduation without any documented community spread on campus. For this upcoming school year, we are very pleased that the vast majority of our faculty and staff have been fully vaccinated. We appreciate all the ways our community came together to keep us Spartan Strong.

We are confident in our ability to face the challenges of the upcoming school year with our students’ mental, emotional, and physical health at the forefront of our planning. Given the ever-changing nature of the pandemic, we are working on a school plan that will provide a more traditional classroom experience while still keeping our families safe. St. Peter’s Head of School, principals, pastor, and school governing board are continuing to work closely with our trusted health partners to monitor all current data and research as we move forward together to plan for the fall.  

Please forward questions, comments, and concerns to

Thank you,

Laurie McKeon 
St. Peter’s Head of School

Father Miller
St. Peter’s Pastor

Cassandra Parente 
President, St. Peter’s School Governing Board