Horticulturist and Mechanic

In San Damiano Hall at St. Peter’s, each of our students has different strengths and interests. Ben is a student in the San Damiano Hall junior high program and is interested in fish and reptiles, enjoys working with houseplants and like the challenge of working on mechanical things.  Currently, Ben is busy propagating plants and by school year’s end will have a number of them for people to take home and care for over the summer.  He is also the foreman on the new project of tearing apart the engine on a 46-year old Briggs & Stratton engine for a Speedway Scamper go-cart.  Upon completion of the refurbishing of the go-cart by the team of students, it will find its way to the Mansfield Museum.

Thank you to Mrs. Kirkbride and Mrs. Raff for this information and for the opportunity to spend some time with Ben and both of them to take photos.