St. Peter’s School is funded through student tuition and supported through generous donations by the parishioners of St. Peter’s Catholic Church, our alumni, and others who support the mission of our school. Your tax-deductible gifts can be made by cash, check ACH Debits, or credit cards. Your gifts are vital to continue the mission of Catholic Education in Mansfield and North Central, Ohio.
To make a gift online using your credit card or ACH debit, please choose from one of the several options below. All electronic gifts are made securely with encryption protocols used by banks and e-commerce vendors.
If you would like to make a gift via check, please mail your gift:
St. Peter’s Parish & School
c/o Office of Institutional Advancement
104 West 1st St.
Mansfield, OH 44902-2199
If you are considering a major gift or would like to include St. Peter’s or the Msgr. Dunn Foundation as part of your estate plans, please contact the Advancement Office directly, so we provide you with personal assistance.