Project-Based Learning

When some of us older folks were in school, things seemed a little simpler–blackboards, chalk, notebooks, pencils, textbooks, and a ruler.  Maybe even an overhead projector.

But a lot has changed over the years and one fairly new and value-proven approach to learning is project-based learning.  What’s the difference between projects and project-based learning?  Projects are about the product while project-based learning is about the process.

Mrs. Rizzo and Mrs. Arnold again this year divided sixth grade students into teams that were given real-life situations that addressed a health issue with the question “How Can I Help”.   From there, students began researching and, with teacher guidance, collaborated as a team to make choices within pre-approved guidelines–those choices determining the outcome and path of their research.  Ultimately, the teams presented their findings in one of several methods–a skit, a PowerPoint, iMovie with stop-motion animation, etc.

And with project-based learning, sometimes teachers choose to have students present before a professional panel so instructor Ms. Roberts from Pioneer Career and Technology Center and two of her senior medical technology students as well as elementary principal, Mrs. Bauer–herself a nurse–and retired Mansfield fireman Dan O’Brien ’69 observed the presentations.

Want to read more about project-based learning?  Click here for an informative, short video explaining the process.