Dia de los muertos

“Day of the Dead, Día de los muertos, November 2, is a very important feast in the life of Hispanics, especially those of Mexican heritage or those that have been influenced by the different indigenous cultures of Latin America.  It is born out of the popular Christian religious traditions and it reveals the role that death plays in life and life plays in death. The celebration takes place from October 31 to November 2. They prepare an altar where they place pictures and other mementos of the family members who are deceased.  October 31 is dedicated to the children who have died and are now considered angels of God. ”  (Raúl Gomez, SDS, September/ October 1999 Issue of GRACIAS Magazine, Liturgy Training Publication)

In front hallway of the school, the high school Spanish Club has created an altar showing all items typically in an altar.  All items have special meanings.  The celebration last three days and coincides with the Christian celebration of all Souls Day and all Saints Day.

Thank you to Spanish teacher, Mrs. Sved, for providing this information.