Bishop Daniel E. Thomas Visits St. Peter’s

It was a busy and wonderful day!

Bishop Daniel Thomas offered Mass Thursday morning with over 750 students and staff from St. Peter’s, Mansfield St. Mary’s, Shelby St. Mary’s, Crestline St. Joseph and Bethlehem Sacred Heart Schools.

The Bishop visited with the high school seniors over lunch for a Q&A and then proceeded over to the Franciscan Activity Center to enjoy the basketball game with the priests/seminarians team vs. the eighth graders and high school seniors.  The pep band played, the cheerleaders got the crowd cheering, and the priests/seminarians came out the victors!  They really showed their basketball skills on the court!

Father Jeremy Miller talked with students during halftime about answering God’s call to vocation, possibly becoming a Priest or Sister.

Another special treat was when Director Jim Cox and members of the Theater Department talked with elementary students after lunch about the upcoming musical, “Annie”.  They performed several songs that will be highlighted on stage during the April performances.

Thank you to everyone, especially Bishop Thomas, for making this day so special.