The Catholic school forms part of the saving mission of the Church, especially for education in the Faith. Remembering that “the simultaneous development of man’s psychological and moral consciousness is demanded by Christ almost as a pre-condition for the reception of the befitting divine gifts of truth and grace, the Church fulfills her obligation to foster in her children a full awareness of their rebirth to a new life.
It is precisely in the Gospel of Christ, taking root in the minds and lives of the faithful, that the Catholic school finds its definition as it comes to terms with the cultural conditions of the times.”
(Paul VI, Encyclical Letter “Ecclesiam suam”)
Providing access to a Catholic education is a mission of St. Peterʼs Parish. The primary reason that the school exists is to form children in the Catholic faith. Catholic schools emphasize academic excellence, but not to the neglect of also forming the studentsʼ minds and hearts according to the Faith.
Because of our commitment to educating Catholic youth, the parish community provides direct financial support through offertory collections to help underwrite your child’s education. Your fellow parishioners make great sacrifices for the spiritual benefit of your children. A key part of that education is the family’s commitment to take an active role in parish and school life, attend Sunday Mass and contributes gifts of time, talent and treasure.