Athletic Field Use Guidelines

Spartan Fields

St. Peter’s School Athletic Complex

640 Hickory Lane    Mansfield, Ohio 44905

Telephone: 419-610-7872       Email:

Athletic Field Use Guidelines

We are all committed to providing high quality and safe playing surfaces for our multi-use athletic facilities, but we need the help and consideration of all user groups in protecting the turf from excessive danger due to game and event activities. The turf grass is the safety surface for the athletic fields.

 If any of the following conditions occur, scheduled games and events must be canceled or postponed.

  1. Standing water on the field of play, soil saturation.
    • Walking on turf causes water to surface.
    • Walking on turf on heels causes indentations.
    • One inch or more of rain 48 hours prior to scheduled game or practice accompanied by steady rain on the event day.
    • Steady downpour of rain on game or practice day which could cause injury to participants or damage to fields. 
  2. Extreme drought conditions where 50% of the playing surface has turned dormant. 
  3. Audible thunder or visible lightning. 
  4. Frost or snow.
  5. Visibility (darkness, fog). 

Do’s & Don’ts

  1. Fields that have no scheduled event are closed and are not to be used, (stay off).
  2. Avoid walking on or across fields, (walk around).
  3. No climbing on buildings, equipment and fencing will be permitted.
  4. No pepper ball (baseball and softball) throwing or kicking of soccer balls into any of the fencing or buildings is allowed.
  5. Use of soccer goals and fields to the appropriate age group due to net sizing and are not to be used as rebounding training devices.
  6. The operation of licensed motor vehicles is restricted to parking areas only.
  7. No pets, guns, smoking, alcohol, drugs, bicycles, skateboards, solicitation will be allowed.
  8. All trash and debris must be removed from the field and surrounding areas.  Trash receptacles are provided.
  9. Children must be supervised at all times.

All coaches, referees, umpires, athletic directors and the Field Manager are responsible for insuring the safety of participants and guests at all times, (safety not only implies protection of the participants but also the facility). See pages 3-4 for the detailed Soccer Goal Safety Guidelines and Inclement Weather Procedures that were adopted in early 2008 and 2012.

With your help, we are making our athletic fields available for the enjoyment of our many student athletes and families. Please use the fields with common sense and responsibility.  Working together, we will provide a safe, quality facility.

Thank you!

St. Peter’s Administration & Field Manager – Bob Vaccaro – Spartan Fields

With your help, Spartan Fields is available for the education and enjoyment of students, athletes, and families.  Please use the fields responsibly and with common sense.

Working together, we provide a safe facility where children and adults learn, laugh, and play.

Procedures to schedule athletic or non-athletic activities:
  • Safety is our # 1 priority. Be responsible for the safety of everyone at Spartan Fields.
  • Events require adult supervision at the facility at all times during the event. 
  • The leader of an event must have the address of the facility to give to 911 operators for emergencies.
  • Please check St. Peter’s School website ( to see the current events.
  • Events must be scheduled with and approved by the Facility Manager in writing.
  • Submit a request to the Facility Manager in writing at a minimum of two weeks before the event.  
  • Events are subject to cancellation due to weather conditions and facility conditions.
  •  Special event needs may result in special fees.
  • No children are to have keys or combinations to gates, locks, or buildings of the facility.
  • The trash from events is to be picked up and deposited in available trash receptacles.
  • The Facility Manager must approve fundraising events for St. Peter’s organizations.
  • The Facility Manager must approve the use of equipment, storage buildings, and concession stand.
  • No operating any power equipment without permission of Facility Manager.
  • No one is to bring power equipment to the facility without the permission of the Facility Manager.
  • Pets, tobacco products, alcohol/other drugs, and firearms are not allowed. 
  • The sale of food or drink is not permitted.

St Peter’s Spartan Field Soccer Goal Safety Guidelines

It is the intention of the St. Peter’s and the Spartan Soccer Club that goal safety is a priority.  Therefore, the following policy is adopted.  

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Guidelines can be found at the following web site.

We require the following for all programs and every activity:

  1. The coaches for each game or other responsible person will make a physical inspection of each goal prior to the game/activity to assure those goals are securely anchored. If the goals cannot be secured properly, then the activity should be postponed until corrected.
  2. The coaches or other responsible person for the last game of the day will recheck to make sure the goals securely anchored. Report any problems to the Field Manager or field personnel for resolution.
  3. All parents and guardians are told of the dangers of unsecured goals and the parents’ responsibility to keep kids away from goals and to secure goals if necessary.
  4. St Peter’s Spartan Field personnel will inspect goals during routine field care. All fields and goals with the exception of the warm-up/practice area at Spartan Fields are closed unless they have a scheduled event on that field. All coaches and personnel should help in policing fields that have unsupervised activties on them.
  1. To reach this end, all coaches will receive a copy of the guidelines and clear instructions as to how to make goals safe and secure.
  2. Coaches will remind their players, and discuss with the team’s parents, the necessity of players and siblings not playing, climbing, or moving the goals.  It is deemed appropriate that players violating this rule may, at the coaches’ discretion, sit out a half game or entire game. Players consistently violating the rule can be subject up to dismissal for the day and / or suspensions.
  3. Other fields and/or goals, it is important to remind coaches and others of these guidelines. The only exception being that St Peter’s Spartan Field personnel will not be making daily inspection and will not be responsible for their maintenance. Spartan Soccer Club personnel should make random site surveys to certify compliance with this policy.


St. Peter’s Athletic Fields & Campus Grounds Manager- Bob Vaccaro 419-610-7872 

Spartan Soccer Club- Tracy Gasper 419-565-5159

St Peter’s Athletic Director – David Miller 419-524-2572 Ext.3105


In the event of lightning, thunder, or other severe weather, it is the policy of the St Peter’s that all spectators immediately evacuate the area along with the large room with the overhead doors within the Spartan Field Activity Center. It is advised that spectators and participants evacuate to hard-topped vehicles and or the restroom area of the Spartan Field Activity Center until it has been determined that it is safe to return to the spectator’s areas and fields of play.