PRIVIT Pre-Participation Screening and Physical Forms
The Ohio High School Athletic Association is implementing a new digital standardized process for the pre-participation process. This system is called the Privit Profile.
The OHSAA Privit Profile includes a more comprehensive health history questionnaire that is easy to use, legible, and accessible to help mitigate injury risks related to sports. The system facilitates the management of the PPE process and provides coaches, athletic trainers, and medical personnel the information they need to react quickly to health situations.
A handy checklist to help ensure that all the pertinent forms are included.
Please sign, date and turn in.
Before you play, you must be eligible. Please review the following checklist with your parents. Unchecked boxes will likely mean you are NOT eligible. For questions, ask the athletic administrator.
3 Student/Athlete Bill of Responsibilities
This form outlines the code of conduct expected of St. Peter’s student/athletes and their responsibility to the St. Peter’s community. This form must be signed and dated by both the parent/guardian and the student/athlete.
4 Lindsay’s Law Parent/Athlete Signature Form
Lindsay’s Law is about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth athletes. It covers all athletes 19 years or younger
who practice for or compete in athletic activities. Activities may be organized by a school or youth sports organization.
5 Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Policy
This form outlines the St. Peter’s Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug policy. This form must be signed and dated by both the parent/guardian and student/athlete.
This form allows the parent/guardian to determine how our coaches may communicate with our student/athletes. This form must be signed by the parent/guardian.
7 Athletic Transportation Agreement
This form allows the parent/guardian to determine how the student/athlete can travel to and from athletic contests. This form must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.
8 Parental Agreement to Review Alma
This form allows the parent/guardian to grant access for St. Peter’s coaches to review a student/athlete’s progress/grades. This form must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.
Ohio Department of Health Concussion and Head Injury Information Sheet
This information sheet is provided to assist you and your child in recognizing the signs and symptoms of a concussion.
9 Ohio Department of Health Concussion and Head Injury Information Form
This form acknowledges that the parent/guardian has read the Ohio Department of Health’s Concussion and Head Injury Sheet. This form must be signed and dated by both the parent/guardian and student/athlete.
For any questions or concerns please respond to