High School/Junior High News


Tammy Haus – New Principal at St. Peter’s High School & Junior High

Ms. Tammy Haus has accepted the offer to become the next Principal at St. Peter’s High School & Junior High. Upon the retirement of Mr. Mike Wasiniak in June, Ms. Haus will begin her work in July.  Congratulations, Ms. Haus.  The St. Peter’s Parish and School community welcomes you back and looks forward to your...
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High School Summer Reading List 2017-2018

English Department High School Summer Reading List   Freshmen Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Honors students also read Bomb by Steve Sheinkin   Sophomores Unwind by Neal Shusterman Honors students also read Lord of the Flies by William Golding   Juniors Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin Honors students also read Zeitoun by...
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Dear Parents of the SPHS Class of 2017 Graduates

Dear parents of SPHS Class of 2017 graduates . . . if you would like the original photo(s) of any posted here on the website of the graduation week events, please let us know. We will be happy to send them to you at some point beginning next week.  Be specific as to which one(s)...
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SPHS Class of 2017 – SENIOR WALK

SENIOR WALK VIDEO is at the end of this story! Don’t miss it! On their last school bus ride as high school students, graduates from the SPHS Class of 2017 departed their honors assembly and were transported in the rain to St. Peter’s Elementary School for the second annual “Senior Walk” through the halls that...
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Class of 2017 Senior Walk – “Trailer”

Here’s a short trailer of the Class of 2017 Senior Walk in the elementary school this afternoon. Many staff members took photos and video of the event so we’re preparing a real nice, long video from many angles and on both floors in the elementary school of the Senior Walk. Stay tuned! The video in...
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Volunteer Appreciation Day

Last week on Tuesday, school volunteers were invited to the all-school Mass where they were recognized with reserved seating and a special poem, read by an elementary school student before Mass started. At the beginning of Mass, Father Jeremy also recognized and thanked all the volunteers who helped in many capacities during the school year....
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May Crowning 2017

By tradition in the Catholic Church, each month is dedicated to a certain devotion. In May, it is the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.  May Crowning and other special May events, such as public recitation of the rosary, take place during this time. On Monday, May 8, seniors wore their gowns for the first...
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Regina’s Kids Service Scholarship Application

There is still time for students to sign up for Regina’s Kids and the 2017 Service Scholarship! Three scholarships will be awarded by a random drawing of all qualified Regina’s Kids who submit a completed application form. Scholarships will be applied to St. Peter’s School tuition costs and/or fees for the following school year for...
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Artapolooza, hosted by Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, is a local art show featuring elementary, middle school, and high school artwork from area schools. Over 500 area students’ artowrk were displayed last week with hundreds of visitors viewing the gallery throughout the week. The opening reception was Thursday, April 6, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m....
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Donate Blood in Memory of Sam

Mrs. Judy Tridico, Sam’s mother, shared Sam’s story with the junior high and high school students and staff this morning during an assembly and explained how blood transfusions helped prolong Sam’s life by several months in the late fall of 2010. The Seventh Annual Sammy Tridico Bloodmobile Drive is scheduled for this Wednesday, April 12,...
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