High School/Junior High News


Academic Challenge

A small but hopeful SPHS Academic Challenge team competed against Madison on Saturday morning at the WMFD 2014 Scholastic Showdown. They did not win the competition but we congratulate them on their fine showing and for representing St. Peter’s High School. It will be aired at a later date. Thank you to Mrs. Chengelis for...
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The Key: New Articles

Preview of St.Peter’s Iditarod For the past two years, St. Peter’s High School and Junior High have held an Iditarod (sled dog race) against hunger to fill the food pantries at Catholic Charities. The week after Easter, … [Read More…]   Chastity, Purity, and Respect On Monday, March 17, 2014, the students of St. Peter’s Junior...
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St. Patrick’s Day Surprise

Rowan and Ross had quite the surprise for the elementary school students and staff on Monday, St. Patrick’s Day.  The siblings have been taking dance lessons for now four years and Mrs. Bauer planned the surprise upon learning of their talent. Thank you to Bernadette and Richard Krehnovi for taking and sending these photos. Click...
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The Greatest Green

In all the years that students and staff have dressed in green for St. Patrick’s Day–for fun and/or for fundraisers to great causes–we don’t think that anyone would argue that Mr. Frank Daniell is the winner for the “greatest green”! This photo was taken a few years ago although we’re pretty certain Mr. Daniell will...
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History Day Participants Advance To Districts

The local History Day competition took place on Friday, March 7, in the Robert Frye Gymnasium and we congratulate all those students who participated.  A special congratulations goes to those students receiving Superior or Excellent scores who will advance to the District History Day Competition in Fremont on March 29.   We will check back in...
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Celebrating Pi

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day has been observed in many ways, including eating pies, throwing pies...
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Middle School Quiz Bowl

  Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade Quiz Bowl teams members who competed in the MOESC Middle School Quiz Bowl competition this past Saturday.  Of the 25  area school teams competing, the SP teams fared exceptionally well with the eighth grade team finishing 4th and the seventh grade team finishing in 12th place.  Congratulations,...
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Champion Speller Second Year in a Row!

By spelling correctly the word “magnanimous”, 8th grader Anthony Katsaounis won the Richland County Spelling Bee again this year–yes, a spelling bee-peat!    He and seventh grader Leah Allen will be representing St. Peter’s School in the Tri-County Spelling Bee as one of the 12 top spellers in Richland County.  They will join the top 12...
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SPHS TEAMS Team Places 7th!

This week, the TEAMS competition began nationwide.  Approximately 10,000 students, consisting of more than 1,000 teams, are expected to meet for one day during the competition window, which runs through March 22. Students will be answering multiple choice and essay questions related to scenarios involving the electrical grid, green space preservation and development, pollution control,...
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Careers in Engineering

Mr. Kevin Brooks from the University of Toledo, College of Engineering, visited with students in Mr. Bradner’s calculus class this week about the interesting applications of math and science in all fields of engineering.  While salaries vary by branch of engineering and level of education, recent graduates have higher average starting salaries than their counterparts...
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