Department of

Performing Arts


St. Peter’s Department of Theater and Performing Arts presents an annual spring musical in the High School Auditorium, featuring St. Peter’s students of all ages, and members of the parish community.  The musical is co-sponsored by Saint Peter’s Music Series.   During the fall and winter, smaller stage plays are performed on our small stage. 

The fall plays and spring musicals showcase the talents of our students.  These experiences give our students an opportunity to gain valuable skills along the way.  Many of our graduates go on to perform in college programs, community and professional theater.

Director of Theater

Mrs. Jamie Stima '12


Marching Band

St. Peter’s Marching Band is open to students in grades 7-12.  The band participates in multiple parades throughout the school year.  

Spartan Pep Band

The Spartan Pep Band performs before all home basketball games, pep rallies, and other special events.  Students who participate in pep band can earn their varsity letter in band.

Director of Band

Mr. Lew Friend


St. Peter’s Choir is open to students in grades 7-12.  The choir performs several concerts during the school year and at All-School Masses.  

Director of Choir

Mrs. Lori Turner