Congratulations Class of ’63!

St. Peter’s Class of 1963 is Celebrating their 50th Reunion
Week-end of September 20 – 22, 2013

Friday Evening — 6:00 pm – Knights of Columbus, 1114 Park Ave W.  Drinks and Dinner are available, at your own cost (approx. $9.00 per meal).

Saturday (time to be determined) – Deer Ridge Golf Course, 900 Comfort Plaza Dr., Bellville, located off of State Route 97.  We are gathering for fun and some golf.   You do not need to be golfing to attend.    (cost for this outing paid by you, on that day)

Saturday Evening – Café on Main, 28 N. Main St., Mansfield,  Reed’s building downtown,.  Cocktails @6:00  (Cash Bar) — Dinner @7:00

Sunday – 9:30 Mass at Saint Peter’s followed by Cocoa and Donuts at Franciscan Center  across from High School on First Street.  We will discuss any activity for the  day, at this time. (Bagels will also be available)

NOTE:  All facilities are Handicap Accessible and ALL activities are Casual.

**Please send your payment of $40, per person, by August 15, 2013.

Kathy Notter Gross
1122 Bogey Dr.
Ontario, OH  44903