Share your Sisters of Saint Francis Memory


In early September, a 144 year tradition will be coming to an end.  Sister Paula and Sister Bernard Marie will be returning to their home in Joliet. Before they depart, St. Peter’s will be celebrating Sisters Bernard Marie and Paula and all the Sisters of Saint Francis for their dedication to our parish, school and community with a Celebration of Presence and Service on August 16, 2015.

As part of this event, we would like to hear from you. Use the form below to share your memories of the Sisters of St. Francis. Our goal is the take these memories and put them into a book for the Sisters to take with them.  We’ll also put a copy in our Heritage Room so that future generations at St. Peter’s can learn about the work of the Sisters of Saint Francis.

While not required, it would be great if you would consider uploading a photo to accompany your post.

  • Parent Info

  • Your address will help us confirm eligibility for some scholarships.
  • NameAgeGrade Entering Next Year