Monsignor Dunn Annual Meeting

The last all-school Mass with grades 1-12 was celebrated last Thursday in honor of Monsignor Edward Dunn.  Having challenged the students back in September to memorize the wording on the elementary cornerstone, Father Jeremy asked during his homily if anyone could recite it and one young gentleman nailed it.  Every student and staff member was also given a St. Peter holy card and together they recited the prayer.

The Monsignor Dunn Foundation also held their Annual Dunn Foundation Meeting Lunch at noon with a special presentation by Bill Johnson on the stained-glass windows of the church and the efforts in process to preserve them.  Following lunch, Father Hite blessed a lilac tree that was later planted in memory of Monsignor Dunn. Father Jeremy and Mr. Wasiniak helped with the planting, along with Regina’s Kids. Sister Bernard Marie and Sister Paula were on hand, as well as three high school representatives to the Monsignor Dunn Board.

Thanks to Mr. Bob Vaccaro and Austin Smith who helped prepare the site for planting.  Special thanks also to Todd Tuttle Landscaping for providing the tree.

Thank you to Mrs. Chengelis for some of these photos.