The Class of 1983 will be having its 30th Reunion Saturday, Oct. 5 at Deer Ridge from 6-11 p.m. Contact Jeff Genter for more information, genterjp@gmail.comRead More
Morgan is currently working full-time with a Pro Mazda and IndyLights team, @JuncosRacing, and living mainly in Indianapolis. She also interns with the IndyCar team, @DragonRacing. “I’m having a lot of fun and making great connections with other people in the racing industry.”Read More
The Class of 1954 will celebrate its 59th Reunion on September 27 & 28! We will meet at the Quality Inn, 500 N. Trimble Rd, on Friday and Saturday. Our dinner will be held Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Cafe- on- Main (the old Reed’s bldg….. to reminisce the “old times”). For more information, please call Jim Pfieffer (419) 589-5189.Read More
High School Parents… iPad Insurance Option? Worth Ave. Group has provided a discount for St. Peter’s High School users. The terms run from 1-3 years and are available for iPad 2 (Seniors and Juniors) and iPad 4 (Sophomores and Freshmen). This offer is optional but it may give you some piece of mind. Please click...Read More
St. Peter’s Class of 1963 is Celebrating their 50th Reunion Week-end of September 20 – 22, 2013 Friday Evening — 6:00 pm – Knights of Columbus, 1114 Park Ave W. Drinks and Dinner are available, at your own cost (approx. $9.00 per meal). Saturday (time to be determined) – Deer Ridge Golf Course, 900 Comfort...Read More
July 1, 2013 Dear St. Peter’s School Families, We are pleased to inform you that our students (grades 3-7) scored very well on the Scantron tests taken during the month of April. We recently received statistical information from the Toledo Diocese and wanted to share with you the overall results from our school. We also...Read More
Saturday, August 3, 2013 Class of ’88 … Terry Herlihy hopes to see all Class of ’88 graduates at their 25th Reunion this summer on Saturday, August 3 at MVP Sports Bar & Grill on Park Avenue West (the old Mama’s). Social Hour will be from 6 – 7 p.m., followed by a pasta buffet...Read More
The Spartan Alumni Soccer Game has become an annual fun event at Spartan Fields! We hope you guys will contact Artie Varga ’77, at and ladies, please contact Molly (Finnerty) Dolan ’02 at . Or . . . you can fill out and send the form below. Have a great time . . . and send us pictures! St. Peter’s...Read More
“An Art Affair!” What a beautiful night! Great friends, wonderful food and lovely, lovely wines! And the fabulous assortment of items up for bid, added to the festivities…and the “bottom line”! Figures aren’t quite all in yet, but we know the net is well past 30K. Many, many thanks to our donors, vendors, sponsors, volunteers,...Read More