High School/Junior High News


Practice Makes Perfect

The students in the Kindergarten Enrichment and Traditional Kindergarten Annex building had a fire drill and this young lady’s shoe came off in the process of getting out of the classroom quickly. She yelled to her teacher that her shoe came off and the teacher told her to leave it behind and to quickly get...
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Taking Care of All the Fidos

The elementary and junior high student council has organized a collection to benefit the Humane Society. Students brought in items over the last few weeks and placed them in boxes such as this one. The student council at St. Peter’s is a very active organization and usually has at least one project going on each...
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On Friday, the House of St. Andrew sponsored a fundraiser to benefit Catholic Charities and the Humane Society of Richland County. Thank you to our friends at Richland Source (richlandsource.com) who were there to cover the event.  Read the story at:http://www.richlandsource.com/education/article_af8bb7ec-2d36-11e3-8bf8-10604b9fc222.html
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Feast of St. Francis

The all-school Mass on Thursday was one day shy of the Feast of St. Francis so students and staff celebrated our two Franciscan Sisters who reside here at St. Peter’s–Sister Paula Bingert and Sister Bernard Marie Campbell. Under the direction of Mrs. Lori Turner, the junior high and high school choir sang just before Mass...
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Talking About the Peru Mission Trip

St. Peter’s senior Alana Ralph and junior Alyssa Mills spoke at the St. Edward’s eighth grade retreat last week.  The subject was their missionary trip to Peru this past summer and how we can all make a difference in another person’s life. (Photos posted with permission.)
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See You at the Pole

The 23rd annual See You at the Pole had as its theme this year “If we pray, seek, turn; then God hears, forgives, heals.”  Leading prayer was Mr. Charlie Henrich with his good friend Mr. Roy Shoulders alongside as well as other staff and students from St. Peter’s High School and Junior High very early...
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Young Leaders’ Institute

Congratulations to Claire Thrasher and Brady Rice for being nominated for participation in the Young Leaders’ Institute program! Students were chosen by high school staff based on their demonstrated leadership qualities and their desire to be involved in an exploration of our area. This year’s Young Leaders’ Institute class is made up of 22 students...
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Big Brothers Big Sisters

Cathy Mlay and Nichole Wilson from Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Central Ohio visited with SPHS Key Club members at lunch on Wednesday to discuss opportunities for them to be involved in the after-school program at the Friendly House with the BBBS program. Key Club officers and moderator, Mrs. Anne Rhodes, arranged for the...
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Professional Chef in the Making

Sister Bernard Marie just might be wearing yet another hat around St. Peter’s soon! According to professional chef, Beth Carter, she visits most every day in the cafeteria, marveling over the food at the Savory Spot and learning about the culinary arts. If you haven’t heard about the Savory Spot deliciousness yet, visit the school...
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Get Ready for the “Reverse Raffle”!!

The 2013 Reverse Raffle sponsored by the Spartan Athletic Boosters will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013, at the Franciscan Activity Center. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. Raffle to start by 7:30 p.m. Win the raffle and hit it big! Call 419-524-2572 for information!
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